Scholarium is a collaborative venture that provides an alternative venue for sharing specialized academic knowledge outside of a formal university setting. Scholarium brings together passionate learners and highly trained scholars with a broad range of expertise. We offer a wide and constantly expanding variety of courses in the humanities and…
Author: admin
Scholarium is a collaborative venture that provides an alternative venue for sharing specialized academic knowledge outside of a formal university setting. Scholarium brings together passionate learners and highly trained scholars with a broad range of expertise. We offer a wide and constantly expanding variety of courses in the humanities and social sciences specifically developed for a diverse audience of learners. Our instructors are credentialed scholars with a deep passion for their subjects while our students are self-motivated and genuinely curious individuals who simply want to learn more about the topics that interest them. We aim to promote learning for its own sake, undertaken in a spirit of community and dialogue.
Join us as we reimagine knowledge in the 21st century.