Teach With Us

Teach With Us

Scholarium helps young PhDs find unique teaching opportunities in the public sphere. Our main concentration is on offering organizations, companies, and congregations stimulating lectures and short courses taught by PhDs on the topics of their interest.

We are currently looking for:

a) Single lectures on a topic that is communicated in an engaging way to an audience of non-experts. A clear and well-designed presentation with relevant visuals and data is critical for stimulating listeners and viewers. Like the Ted Talk model, the idea is to help the audience grasp something really interesting about your research, and why it is so important that we think about it. These lectures are typically one hour long, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A

b) Three to six-session “micro courses” on any topic related to your research. These short courses allow instructors to explore a broader range of themes, or alternatively, to go into greater detail about one particular idea. While the academic technicalities are important, we encourage lecturers to deliver their thoughts like storytellers, in a way that is both accessible and intellectually engaging. Like any good story, your narrative should reach a meaningful conclusion; a call for action, or a solution to a central question you raised early in the course.


If you are interested in offering a lecture or course, upload the following documents:

1) C.V.

2) Teaching statement that includes your specific areas of specialization and interest.

3) A 750-1000 word description of your lecture, or a syllabus for a micro-course with a clear overview of the contents of each lecture.

If applying to more than one lecture/course, please upload each application separately.

Fill in the information below to apply to teach with us.

    Upload CV

    Upload Syllabus

    Upload Course Description

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